Offering pricing that is among the lowest on the market is a priority for us. Once set, our prices do not change. With Multitest, there are no unpleasant surprises! In the interests of transparency, most of our prices are posted on our web site.


Speed is essential in the real estate market and is often crucial to ensuring a successful transaction. Our team works hard with you to ensure you get the best turnaround times in the industry. We will work with you to accommodate urgent appointments and ensure our clients’ satisfaction. We offer the fastest response times in Québec for many of our tests.


We offer top-notch personalized service. In order to provide impeccable service, we have selected reliable laboratories and experienced professionals (engineers, geologists and chemists) to work with us. You can reach one of our project managers, the vice-president or even the president at any time for advice before, during and after your tests.


Multitest has been advising clients since 1999 to ensure they understand the results of their tests. We explain information in non-scientific terms and reduce complexity whenever possible. We can advise you on whether or not work is required, or even whether a test is needed. We will tell our clients if a test is unnecessary. We believe that a well-informed client will bring us repeat business or recommend us to others.