Examine the quality of the backfill beneath the concrete slabs to determine potential pyrite-related damages.Asbestos
Test certain building materials to determine if they contain asbestos.Vermiculite
Analyze vermiculite insulation (Zonolite) to determine whether it contains asbestos.Soil tests
Determine whether a property presents environmental risks. Analyze soil to determine whether it is contaminated.Air tests
Analyze the indoor air of buildings to determine whether asbestos content is within acceptable standards.Mold
Perform a building inspection and an air analysis to look for mold contamination.Amoug our clients
Our partners
Client advantages
Fast turnaround
Accredited laboratories
Compliance with government standards
Our history
Pyritest is founded in March 1999. The company’s mission is to perform pyrite testing in accordance with the CTQ-M200 protocol, and just as importantly, to explain the test results in non-technical terms and advise all parties in a real estate transaction so that they may make informed decisions regarding a purchase, sale or remediation work.
In 2004, we added vermiculite testing, asbestos material testing, phase I, II and III soil testing mould testing and iron ochre testing. Pyritest was officially renamed Multitest in 2011 to reflect the wide variety of tests now offered.
We offer more than seven different types of tests. Our goal remains the same: offer competitive prices, impeccable quality, and fast turnaround times to meet the demanding deadlines required for real estate transactions and advice before, during and after your tests.